Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010

The last day of school has arrived! Where does time go and why does it fly by so quickly?! All of you have grown in so many ways over the past year. To those of you that are on your way to kindergarten, we wish you all the best. Remember to always try something new, to be kind, and always try your best. Mrs. Remaly, Mrs. Ruskan, Mrs. Gifford, Mr. M and I are all so very proud of you all! We hope you all have a fantastic summer and look forward to seeing your smiling faces again in September!

Thank you for a great year!

Mrs. Gilberti

Mrs. Remaly

Mrs. Ruskan

Mrs. Gifford

Mr. Magnuson JR

Friday, June 11, 2010



Friday, June 11, 2010

We did it! Our MARE board is finished and looking great. We worked so hard so please come by on Ocean Night and see our work displayed outside our room. Monday, June 14th is Field Day. Please join us at 9am for some fun outside. Our rain date is June 15th. The buses for preschoolers will be on the same schedule as usual and our day will end at the same time, 11 am. This is a great opportunity for all parents and grandparents to meet and hopefully establish some play dates for the children to enjoy over the summer! Please remember to send your child in with a snack for him/her to enjoy outside.

This week, we started talking about bugs. Our centers have been changed and there are a lot of bugs hiding and playing in our room. In our Drama Center, the children have been pretending to be different bugs with bug wings. The sand table is a fine place to look for bugs hiding and using a magnifying glass and tweezers to help place them in a container. We practiced writing our names every morning and continued working on gluing, cutting and counting. We got to finger paint some ants and counted how many we found in the grass. Painting lady bugs was fun too! We created caterpillars and counted how many circles were used to create it. We also enjoyed learning about rainbows! It's been a very busy week and I cannot believe we only have 1 week left of school!!!! The kids have also been practicing taking turns. It sure is hard with such a big class but we are all doing our very best! Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, June 4, 2010

Friday News
Friday, June 4, 2010

Where does time go? We are in June and summer days are all we are thinking about! We are all feeling it! This week, we finished up all our projects for MARE. We made our sail boats, and our display looks beautiful! I hope you all get a chance to come out and see all our hard work on Ocean Night! Ocean Night is on June 14, at 6pm. For those of you that have older children at OCS, please remember that June 14th is Field Day and there will be an early dismissal.

Speaking of Field Day, we will be holding our own Preschool Field Day, here at OCS. There will be lots of fun activities planned, so please feel free to join us at 9am. Dismissal time for Preschool will remain the same. Being that we will be outdoors, please remember to apply sun screen on your child before you send your child to school. Also, please send in a snack for him/her to enjoy on a picnic blanket with friends.

This week all of our centers were changed. We enjoyed pretending to picnic in our Drama Center. We also reopened the Listening Center, and enjoyed listening to books on tape! We had fun singing songs and using our finger puppets, pretending to be swimming in soup and pretending we were fish, during music and movement time. We also graphed our favorite sea creatures at Circle Time. Looks like our friend the whale beat out fish and a sea turtle! In our Art Center, we all had fun using water paints to create picnic or ocean scenes. It’s been a fun week! The kids are enjoying sharing their morning work with friends during circle time and they are all so supportive of each other. Walk by our room during this time and you will hear a lot of “Bravo!!” being cheered. Next week, we will be starting our unit on bugs! You know summer days are near when bees and ants are out to play! I hope you all enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Gilberti