Friday, January 25, 2013

We had a short week but managed to pack in a lot of fun activities. We used our snowmen to help us count, practice fine motor skills, practice tracing and cutting and to help us with our position words. We enjoyed making snowmen out of marshmallows, using cotton and paper shapes to create snowman faces, and we used paper circles which we wrote our names on to make another sn

owman. With all this talk about snowmen, I hope that everyone is ready for the snow we are supposed to get tonight! Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Gilberti

Wednesday, January 23, 2013


RRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Hello Jack Frost! I hope that everyone enjoyed their three day weekend! Our first day back was filled with talk about what we learned last week. Mother Nature and I planned it this way, hence the icy cold air! Last week, we were all scientists. We learned about solids and liquids and how water changes when the tempurature changes. We enjoyed doing our first experiment. We put a liquid (water) into an ice tray. We then changed the temperature by putting the ice tray into a freezer and wouldn't you know it, the water turned to ice, just as we thought it would! We even put our creative juices to work by using popsicle sticks and beads to create icicles. All of use chuckled when we got to make ourselves into a snowman. We got to practice our patterns by coloring in our scarves with our two favorite colors! But, I have to say that the most fun was when we learned all about the letter I. We even made igloos out of marshmallows! Well, keep warm everyone!

Mrs. Gilberti

Monday, January 14, 2013

I hope that everyone had a wonderful weekend. It's good to be back and ready to start another week. Last week we continued to learned about polar bears and enjoyed learn

ing about penguins. We had fun waddling like penguins and learned some amazing facts about penguins, such as, the Mommy actually goes out to get food while daddy stays back and keeps the egg warm. The kids had fun watching the live cam from Sea World. We were lucky enough to catch feeding time! Since Penguin and Polar Bear start with the letter P, we learned all about it. We know the sound it makes and practiced identifying the sound at the beginning of words and at the end of words. We also have been practicing hard on writing our names and will continue to do so. Overall, it was a great week.

Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, January 4, 2013

What a great return after a wonderful break! It was so nice to see everyone again and to know how excited they all were to come back! We started the week off by talking about our vacation and the New Year. We enjoyed talking about all the fun we had in the snow and all the presents that Santa brought. I heard that for the New Year there were lots of balloons, confetti and hats to celebrate with. Here is preschool, we thought it would be fun to create New Year fireworks using combs, hairbrushes, paints and glitter! Needless to say, the kids thought it was so neat to use other tools to paint with, other than paint brushes. This week we focused on the letter W, for winter and walrus. We all enjoyed learing fun facts about the walrus and then created our own walrus paper bag puppets. As always, I like to jazz things up a bit and find creative ways to form our letters. We used tissue paper and glue to make our W, starting always at the top! We then decorated them with winter themed stickers. Since we entered this new season of winter, I thought it would be fun to graph our favorite season. Overall, it may have been a short week but still a fun week. Enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Gilberti