Thursday, January 21, 2010

January 22, 2010

We had a short week this week with the holiday on Monday. We worked on letter “J” for the month of January. The kids are doing an awesome job tracing letters and independently writing their names! We have a few more letters to review before we have been exposed to them all.

This week, they enjoyed tracing their names in the shaving cream “snow” on cookie trays! If you are feeing adventurous at home, this is something they love to do. You can also squirt some on the side of the tub at bath time for easy clean-up!

Preschool Winter Report Cards follow a different schedule because of the online program that we use. Their report cards will come home on Tuesday, February 16th, after the President’s Day Holiday. The third and final Report Card will be sent home in the last week of school.

Mrs. Parks will be contacting you regarding help with our classroom Tricky Tray basket. Please let her know if you are willing to help- we will really appreciate anything you can do- the proceeds benefit our kids and our school!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mrs. Remaly

Friday, January 15, 2010

January 15th 2010

Friday News
Friday January 15, 2010

This week in preschool, we began a book about “opposites.” The children have been practicing coloring in the lines and doing a nice job! We are working on copying our names from our name tags, now that we know to make a letter we start at the top! We have practiced tracing and writing a lot of our letters now, and the children can identify some when they see them. Look for their names to be written on the work that they bring home. You can print tracing pages of their names from the website Search for “tracer pages.” You can type their name, and it will make a dotted tracer page for them to practice. It’s great!We continued talking about snow and cold weather, and sequenced a story about how to build a snowman. We practiced cutting on lines and around simple shapes.

If you have not yet returned a new set of winter spare clothing to keep in the classroom, please do so as soon as possible. You never know when we may need them.

Just a reminder, there is no school on Monday for Martin Luther King Day and Teacher Inservice.

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Remaly

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Friday, January 8th, 2010

Happy New Year! Welcome back to school!

We welcomed a new student, Lainee, to our class this week. The children have been so helpful showing Lainee what we do in school each day and helping her feel comfortable with us.

January kicked off our unit on Winter Weather and Snow. The children had a chance to see a lot of it over break and had stories to share about what they did in the snow. We traced the letter “S” and made a story about “The Five Little Snowmen” and made snow paintings.

We practiced writing our names this week for the first time, and the children did an awesome job! We traced the letters first, and then practiced copying them from our name tags.

Take time with your children to help them zip their own coats, put on hats and mittens or gloves. We take the time to do this every morning at dismissal, and most of the children are now independent with these skills. Keep practicing at home, too!

Thank you so much for all of the donations of wipes and tissues- we are certainly putting them to good use!

Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Remaly