Friday, June 14, 2013

Thank you all for coming out to make the pre-k graduation such a success. The kids were so excited to sing for you all. I thank you all for allowing me an amazing school year with your children. I'm very sad to see them move on but at the same time very proud to have had the opportunity to be their pre-k teacher! Next week, we will have all half days. The children will all be together for the last three days during the morning session. Please remember that Monday is Field Day with a rain date of Tuesday! Our pre-k and preschool students will be dismissed at 11:00 a.m.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Gilberti

Monday, June 10, 2013

I hope that everyone enjoyed the sun this past weekend. I'm sorry this is coming out to you on Monday but unfortunately, I was out on Friday. I even missed a very important birthday!!! Shane turned 5 this month! Happy Birthday buddy! We are down to our last full week of school. We have finished our unit on MARE and our bulletin board looks fantastic. This year, we even added some beautiful mermaids and pirates! You might recognize some of them! This Friday, will be celebrating our PRE-K class with a small graduation ceremony. Where does time go? I can't believe they are off to Kindergarten already and that preschool will be moving up to PRE-K!!!! Unfortunately, as per school policy, siblings cannot attend school parties. We also would like to remind parents that when taking pictures, please be aware of other students and their families preferences, of whether they would like their child's photo posted on any social media networks. Next week, Monday-Wednesday, are half days. That will mean that a.m. and p.m. classes will be combined and begin at 8:20 and end at 11. Monday will be Field Day here at OCS. Please send your child in with a towel, bathing suit under his/her clothes and sunscreen applied prior to getting to school. The rain date for Monday will be the next day, Tuesday! PPPHHHEEWWWWW!!! So much going on in the next few days. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at

Mrs. Gilberti