Friday, February 24, 2012

This week in preschool we learned about that scary person called the dentist! Wouldn't you know that he isn't that scary after all! He actually is pretty cool because he has different tasting toothpaste and even encourages us to spit! Everyone in preschool thinks that keeping our teeth clean and brushing after every meal is very important! We even talked about our baby teeth falling out and our grown up teeth coming in. We thought it was pretty neat how the gap in our mouth grows a bigger tooth.

We practiced cutting skills and writting our names with an uppercase and lowercase letters while putting together our giant toothbrushes. We even painted our brown teeth white, with paint. What was most fun was using tooth paste and tooth brushes to turn our coffee stained shells white. We ended our week with a popcorn party! We all worked so hard to earn this treat and I am so proud of them.

Thank you to all who donated coins for Pennies for Partients. In your child's folder you will find a St. Jude's Mathathon form and packet. If you would like your child to participate please fill out and return the form. Also, it's that time of year already! We are collecting donations for our classroom Tricky Tray basket. Mrs. Sandorff is our classroom coordinator and our theme is camping! What a great basket this will be! You can send in your donation to this basket with your child and I will be sure to see that Mrs. Sandorff receives it. If you do not have time to shop and would like to give a monatery donation, please feel free to. Also, you may want to purchase your tickets to this event soon because the tickets do sell out. Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, February 17, 2012

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with love! Our preschoolers worked extra hard on all of their crafts. We introduced lower-case letters this week. It's neat to see how quickly the children are picking it up. We also learned a little about our President's George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The preschoolers enjoyed hearing about George and the cherry tree he cut down. We also talked about how honest he was and how important it is to be brave and tell the truth, even thought you may be afraid. Making Abraham Lincoln's log cabin out of pretzels and icing was definitely a highlight of the week. I have never seen them all work so hard and try to make their cabin just right.

Please remember that we are still collecting money for Pennies for Patients. This fundraiser is for children with cancer. We will be collecting coins until Friday, February 24th. I thank you ahead of time for supporting this good cause. Also, school will be closed this Monday. I will see you all on Tuesday! Enjoy your weekend.

Mrs. Gilberti

Monday, February 13, 2012

Pink, red and purple hearts dancing in my head! Yes, Valentine's Day is tomorrow! In preschool we found so many ways to use our hearts and colors. We sifted through a pile of hearts and sorted big, medium and small ones. We also graphed sweet-heart candies by colors. As anyone would guess, this activity was a very popular one because when we were finished working we got to eat some. We even let our creative juices loose while using red and blue paint to make purple, in the art center. We enjoyed using our easel and did a great job keeping our clothes protected by wearing a smock! Our pinching fingers did a great job getting that tissue paper just right before we glued the paper to our big hearts. You will have to wait and see for tomorrow, to know what I'm talking about!

This week, we will continue working on our Valentine's gifts and then shift gears to dental health. Please remember that we will be having a half a day this Friday and that Monday, school will be closed for Presidents Day! Enjoy your week.

Mrs. Gilberti

Sunday, February 5, 2012

HAPPY SUPER BOWL!!!!! I know from many conversations in our classroom that there is going to be a lot of celebrating with good food, family and friends today!

In preschool last week, we explored the Chinese New Year. We all had fun practicing our cutting skills as we made lantern for the Lantern Festival. Our fan were a big hit too and looked great in A/B patterns. We all could not wait to hear if Puntxsutawny Phil saw his shadow or not. I actually enjoyed hearing that Staten Island Chuck did see his shadow and will stick to his prediction! We also celebrated another birthday! Daniel turned 5 and we all got to enjoy his cookie treats.

I hope that everyone has a great day today and that your favorite team wins. I won't tell you who I am cheering for but will say this. It's not the most popular team amongst our preschoolers!

Mrs. Gilberti