Thursday, March 22, 2012

I hope that everyone enjoyed the glorious weather that we had over the long weekend. I know I did. I even started getting things ready for my garden. Speaking of gradening, this week in preschool we all learned about flowers, their parts and what they need to grow. We even planted marigold seeds. What a great way to kick off Spring!

In class, we practiced snipping, gluing, and strengthening our hand muscles by pinching tissues, when making our flowers. The kids loved using real sunflower seeds to place in our seed pod of the sunflowers we made. Everyone got to taste the outside of the shells and giggled at the surprise of the salty taste. Many of us helped Curious George count to 20 in his garden, at the computer center and in our sand/water center we enjoyed planting seeds in the soil (wet sand). It's been a great week to fine tune our preschool skill.

Thank you so much for all of the donations for our Tricky Tray basket. We truly appreciate it and thank you again to Mrs. Sandorff for coordinating this for us. Again, please purchase your ticket ahead of time if you plan to attend. Tickets sell out quickly! Please enjoy your weekend.

Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, March 9, 2012

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb and in preschool we always like to check if things are true so we decided it would be a great idea to chart and tally lion days and lamb days. So far, it's looking like this saying is true! In lieu of March we created lions out of paper plates, using our very best snipping skills. We had a lot of fun making our soft lambs with cotton too. The month of March also brings us St. Patrick's day! We started to talk a little about those mischievous little leprechauns that watch over pots of gold, at the end of rainbows. We came up with a plan to lure a leprechaun into our room. We decided to make rainbows with paint but there was one little problem! We didn't have orange, green or purple paint for our rainbows. We put our minds together and thought it would be neat to be scientists and mix the three colors that we did have and see what we could make! Wouldn't you know it that red and yellow makes orange. Yellow and blue makes green and if you mix red and blue, you can make purple!! It's great fun being scientists! Next week, we will be planning more ways to tempt a leprechaun to visit our room!

Thank you to those who have donated to our tricky tray basket. We can use as much help as possible with this basket and it is much appreciated! I hope that this beautiful weather continues and that everyone enjoys their weekend!

Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, March 2, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!!!!!! We had such a great week! I enjoyed all the giggles I heard, as I read the wonderful books that we all enjoyed hearing, as children ourselves. Everyone loved patterning red and white paper to create our own version of that fresh cat's hat, in the story Cat in the Hat! We even turned our faces into green eggs. It wasn't that hard since we have all gotten so good at using our scissors correctly and following dotted lines with them. I'm happy to say that everyone enjoyed having their feet painted too. We enjoyed this fun activity after reading, The Foot Book.

This week, our school also began our "Character Workouts!" This past Wednesday and Friday, you may have noticed staff wearing work out gear. This is because we all worked out our "CORRECT" muscles to strengthen our character! This week we worked on courage and optimism! This will continue throughout the month.

Our annual tricky tray is around the corner! Our classroom basket's theme is camping. In your child's folder, you will find a list of items that you can choose to donate from. If you do not have time to shop or do not know what to donate and would like to make a monetary donation, please do so. Mrs. Sandorff is our classroom coordinator and will shop for you. Let's help make this basket incredible! If you haven't already done so, please order your tickets for this event because it does sell out quickly!