Sunday, January 29, 2012

What a beautiful weekend! I hope that everyone got out to play and enjoy the weather. Last week, we were scientists in preschool. We learned about the water cycle and big words like evaporation, solids and liquids. We even enjoyed a few experiments such as freezing a liquid into a solid and keeping observations of our dyed water, to see if water truly evaporates. It was great watching the kids run to the window to see how much water had evaporated from the day before. I can't wait to see what we will find tomorrow morning!

We learned about the letter I. Since igloo tied into our ice/polar theme and begins with the letter I, I thought it would be fun to make an igloo out of marshmallows and icing. The kids loved this activity! We also learned about polar bears and used cotton to help make our polar bears that are on display in our room. Watching live polar bears via web cam, during feeding time was neat too! Apparently, they enjoy carrots! Who knew?

Mrs. Gifford was in to help us all with the letter R and really had us giggling with her rabbit race! Everyone did a great job cheering each other on and waiting their turn! We even got to celebrate another birthday this week! Happy Birthday Marco!

I can't wait to start our week tomorrow! Enjoy your evening.

Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, January 20, 2012

BBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! It's cold out there! This week in preschool, we worked on the letter P and the sound it makes. We practiced snipping paper when making penguins. We used different sized ovals to make different looking penguins. Our cutting skills have improved so much! We even got to see penguins during feeding time at an aquarium, via a live web cam! One could here the ohhhs and ahhhhsss from the hallway! We also all enjoyed the Basic Concepts in Motion game! The game helps us with following directions and asks us to do some pretty silly things, like pretend to be a cat! We had a lot of fun playing this game.

Overall, it's been a week of fun, laughter and learning! I heard we may be getting some snow tomorrow, so I hope everyone gets a chance to have some winter fun and get out to play in the snow! Stay warm!

Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, January 13, 2012

We had such a fun week in preschool! We all got to welcome a new friend named Gia and we were all so excited to meet her! If that wasn't exciting enough, today, as we were decorating our foam snowflakes with glue and sequins, we noticed outside our window that it was snowing!! Mother Nature could not have planned that moment better, both for morning and afternoon class. Our snowflakes are hanging by our classroom windows and look fantastic!

This week, we explored the letter S and the sound associated with it. We practiced writing it in shaving cream, and we made edible snowmen!!!! What's better than marshmallows, M&M's, and pretzels sticks stacked together to form snowmen, after reading, All You Need to Make a Snowman, and eating the finished product as a snack. We even practiced tracing and cutting when making our snowmen!

It seems like the weather is starting to drop quickly and many of our noses are starting to drip. We do our very best to keep germs to a low and little noses from getting chapped but we are running low on soft tissues, hand sanitizers and wipes. If you would like to donate any of these items to our classroom, please send them in with your child. Your donations a greatly appreciated and put to good use!

I hope that everyone enjoys this 3 day weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone Tuesday morning!

Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, January 6, 2012

HAPPY 2012!!!

I hope that everyone enjoyed their winter break. We had many sleepy heads on Tuesday but that only tells me that everyone really enjoyed the time off. We got right into the swing of things by learning the letter W. Since the weather has turned to cold and winter is here, it was a great letter to start the week off with! We stamped the letter W with white paint, used our wood letter sticks to make a W and even used different shapes to create our Winter Wonderland cities!

We continued to work on counting and letter recognition. We also stressed how important it is to always use our manners. Don't be surprised if a few of the kids place a napkin on their laps at dinner tonight!

Please enjoy your weekend!

Mrs. Gilberti

Sunday, January 1, 2012

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season and a Happy New Year! Wishing you all a year of love, laughter and good health!


Mrs. Gilberti