Friday, September 28, 2012

September was here and is almost gone yet we welcome October with open arms. The leaves around us are starting to change colors and the sweet smell of pumpkin is in the air. Our unit on apples has also come to an end. This week, we learned about our 5 senses. We had a blast testing our sense of smell while making our air freshners. Slicing apples for our taste test was neat because we got to use our sense of hearing as we chewed the crunchy apples and our sense of taste. It's a good thing that we all used our sense of sight to idenitfy the three colors of apples: red/yellow/green. To my surprise, many of us had never tasted yellow apples. Well, it turns out, yellow apples are our classroom favorites. We know this because we all got to graph the color apple that we each liked best. Green apples were liked the least. Since it was Jonny Appleseeds birthday this week, we learned all about him and his orchards. All it takes is one litte seed, soil, water and sunshine! We enjoyed slicing an apple in half and searching for seeds in the center before we used our markers, crayons, glue and scissors to make our own apple half. If you happen to walk by our classroom, stop and take a look at our bulletin board. See how many apple seeds you can count on our paper apple halves. We ended our day today using our sense of touch and Miss Alyssa was able to guess the secret item in our box, using only her sense of touch! She guessed that it was a dolphin and was correct! Next week, we will be learning about the letter B and bears! On Monday, to kick off our week of respect, we are asking everyone to wear a blue shirt! Together, we are participating in the world day of bullying prevention. Before I sign off, I have to comment on how amazing it is to see such young children being kind and helpfull to one another. Here at OCS, we strive to be C.O.R.R.E.C.T., and our pre-k and preschoolers are fine example of it! Keep up the great work and enjoy your weekend!!!!! Mrs. Gilberti

Saturday, September 22, 2012

What a great morning! The air feels crisp and my pumpkin spice coffee in hand makes reflecting back on our school week, a perfect start to my day. I want to thank all who came out to Back To School Night, especially since the weather was awful. I hope that you all enjoyed our room and that I was able to answer any questions or concerns that you may have had. This week, we explored the different colors of apples. We used our apple colors to pattern, to count and to compare. We worked on a Scholastics Weekly Reader and helped Clifford find all the hidden items in the apple orchard. Being that our week started on Constitution Day, I thought it would be fun to come up with our own classroom Constitution. The kids raised their hands with what they thought should be on the Constitution and when I was done writing, they each placed their hand print on it! There is something about painting hands that all kids love! We continued to practice snipping skills, gluing, following directions, and being kind friends. Next week, we will be exploring apples using all five senses. We will be having an apple tasting test, making apple deodorizers, playing guess the fruit, and other activities. Please remember that this Monday is picture day. We are scheduled for each class to visit the photographer as soon as the kids come in. Please remember to send your forms in. Also, Tuesday will be a half day. Both classes will be attending the morning session. There will be after care available but only at 1pm. Since preschool will end at 11 am, arrangements must be made for those students who need after care. Enjoy this beautiful day! Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, September 14, 2012

What a great week we had in school! This week, we practiced snipping skills, gluing skills, coloring and even got to play outside. Let's hope that this weather keeps up and winters stays away for a long while. The kids had a lot of fun creating themselves using yarn, glue and paper. I have posted a picture but if you would like to see your child's work, it will be hanging outside our room on the bulletin board. We focused on the letter A, for apple, and the color red this week too. Like I said before, it was a great week full of fun! Enjoy your weekend! Mrs. Gilberti

Friday, September 7, 2012


I hope everyone had as great as a summer as I did! Yes, it went too fast but we are all so excited to be back at school. I'm sure there are a few parents who are just as excited that school is back in session! Our first few days in Preschool and Pre-K were great! I was so excited that there were no tears at all from our new students! Everyone was happy to be in school and to make new friends. We spent the first few days getting to know each other, the classromm, routines and classroom rules. Everyone was assigned a cubby and given a communication folder. Please be sure to check the folder every evening for letters, notes and your child's art work. It is just as important to send your child back with the folder and I will check it every morning for notes from you. Everyone is doing a great job working on self help skills when they first come in and during snack time. Please remember that this is a NUT FREE ROOM when choosing your child's snack. If you have not already done so, please return all forms that we placed in your childs folder by Friday, September 14. Please enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday! Mrs. Gilberti